The Audience Acorn Social Challenge begins on Friday 30th September 2022!

How to: Meet Professionally

Hard to look amazing and professional on camera when you aren't a pro isn't it?

Never fear, I've got your back! I'm here to help you.

Hi, I'm Gary and I have almost 20 (yes... TWENTY) years of experience of broadcast Television production. 16 years of that time has been in LIVE production where almost anything can and will happen! Trust me, if it can go wrong... it definitely will when you least expect it!

So why is that important?

(this is me doing my TV thing FYI)

Well, not only do things go wrong but with some experience and hard work things can also go very RIGHT.

That's why you're here I imagine. I hope you've clicked through to this page because you want to upgrade your video presence and remotely meet professionally. In 2020 when Covid hit we could all be forgiven for showing everyone the wet washing on the radiator, the kids killing each other in the background and the piles of unpaid bills stopping the door from closing (just me?!) but now we've had time to adjust to the new normal we need to up our game and bring the same level of professionalism to the meetings we have remotely as that business power suit you paid so much for to make that big impression.

Forget the briefcase and copy of the financial times... you need to up your remote meeting to level 1. 

There are 5 levels in the Social Broadcaster progress chart... let's get you on the ladder and get your meetings to make you the star of the show. Well, the most professional looking person in the virtual room!

This course includes:

  1. Access to Meeting Pro Facebook Group.
  2. Lighting 101: The principles of 3 point lighting and how to make it work for you
  3. Camera basics, why some basic camera knowledge can up level your look instantly.
  4. The (in)famous 5 Minute Film School

So, if you're in need of some basic upgrades that will make a massive difference to your business, your confidence and the perception other people have of you and your abilities... JOIN ME.

This could be perfect for people who regularly have business meetings online, people who work in social care or the civil service who no longer have access to offices, students interviewing for college or university places or graduate schemes where you want your interviewer to know that you're really taking the opportunity seriously.

If you love this short course and want to use it as the start of a journey with me to become a social broadcaster then you will benefit from discounted access to the next level of broadcaster training "Social Broadcasting 101"

There you have it. Time to get in and get started. You wont know what a difference it will make until you start.

NOTES: Upsells... lights, cameras, live light indicator, centre cam

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